Monday, March 26, 2007

I Usually Wouldn't Post Such Stuff..

But the "59% Samantha Fox" was quite funny, actually:
(thanks to Jilli for the link)

Well.. I do hope to be as funny and creative as Ryan Stiles or Nathan Lane [one day?], but who the heck are those other guys?
edit: AHH! Backstreet Boys. yuck. tfu. blah.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Update Ashes

Even when it's just an upgrade to the currently installed version, after installing a new version of Firefox, it opens a new tab, indicating that you now have the latest version of it.
Too bad, they don't remove nor change the old versions' pages - so they all show the exact same announcement:

You might say it's only a minor version update, but hey - it's a security minor update. So the user should know if the version he has just installed really is the latest version.. right?

Monday, March 05, 2007

Purim 2007 (Edited for Link)

I think Purim is now officially the Jewish holiday I like the most. So many colors, clothes, hats and accessories all around, makes it all fun to fool around.

This year I decided to disguise myself as a Domo-Kun. Wearing a cool spiked-toupee, facial make up and a specially-made-by-my-mother dress(?), and vuala!- you've got a Domo!
(click for bigger, more photos will be uploaded later)