Friday, December 15, 2006

Back to Life.. At Last

Finally, it seems like I've got my life back. I can go out with friends, go on small trips around the country, hang out, sleep and eat well (at least, as much as I can eat, that is), and.. just have fun with the people I know and love. Nothing beyond the weekly routine I was used to before, but I guess I kinda lost it in the last few months.
Not that I have even the slightest chance of regret about the work I gave in these last months (and that's a whole topic by itself, saved for a separated future-post), but it's certainly good to be back to normal.

Since the ceasefire in the north of Israel, it's all safe to travel across the country again. Or at least, so they say. I just love that part of the country so much.. great place to travel in, and too bad it takes such a long ride to get to it. Still, it defiantly worths it.
So I went there twice during the last month, each time for a one-day trip. Was really fun, with some really good friends and lots of flora all around.
You can see some of the pics, from the last trip, here (thanks to Pinky), and another funny photo I took - right here below (click on photo for full view) :

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Terms of Conflicts

Just a few weeks after Microsoft announced their final version of MSN Windows Live Messenger 8.0 (and the beta of the 8.1 version), ICQ finally got their own all-shiny more-feature-loaded and heavier-than-ever new version.

So where's the catch? Well, the ICQ Terms of Service page about using passwords says:

"The ICQ staff will NEVER ask for your password"
but now, it seems that if you wanna sign up for the new beta version of ICQ 6, you must give it away:

So, what can you do now? As sad as it is, I can fairly say that unlike old times, I just don't care about it that much. It doesn't seem like they really improved anything. Once, they used to be the leaders of all the IM applications everywhere, but now ICQ are way behind their own competitors.
But I guess that's a story for some other time..